Managing Lip Health

Lip health is part of overall health and experiencing lip health issues, like cold sores, can be uncomfortable. When it comes to managing lip health and cold sores, it’s especially important to understand what could be triggering the issue. Whether you have one or multiple cold sore triggers, they tend to fall within a few similar categories. Many of these triggers work to suppress the immune system or cause damage to the mouth which allows the cold sore virus to attack.

Some of the most common causes of cold sores and other lip health issues are related to stress, illness like cold and flu, hormones, or seasonal conditions. If you’re experiencing a cold sore or another lip health issue and you think one of these factors may be the culprit…you’ve come to the right place! Understanding the causes of cold sores, as well as ways to prevent cold sores from happening are all components to maintaining healthy lips.

Our lips are an essential part of our faces and are involved in important actions that we take every day, like smiling, talking, and eating. While plenty of attention is paid to lips when it comes to beauty routines and cosmetics, sometimes underlying lip health can be overlooked. Here at Abreva, we understand how essential healthy lips are to a healthy lifestyle. Caring for your lips goes beyond managing cold sores and includes following a healthy balanced diet, getting enough sleep, using sunscreen when you go out in the sun, and understanding hormonal changes.

Managing lip health and maintaining overall health are closely connected. Whether it’s protecting your lips from the cold, understanding how to manage stress, coping with the loss of a loved one, or introducing exercise into your daily routine, we’ve collected our best resources on lip health here.

By understanding what triggers your cold sores, you can proactively take charge and help defend yourself against future outbreaks. Maintaining lip health every day of the year is important and should become part of your everyday routine—not just when you’re dealing with a cold sore. No matter your age, healthy lips are key to a healthy lifestyle. Get ready to say goodbye to cold sores and say hello to healthy lips!







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