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How to Stay Confident with a Cold Sore
Cold sores don’t have to be life disrupting. Here are some tips and advice for how you can fight back.
5 tips for keeping confident when dealing with a cold sore

Get outside
The best thing you can do to keep your spirits up is to get outside. Activities like walking, biking, and swimming can boost endorphins, improving your mood and self-esteem.

Treat yourself well
Take this time to highlight and care for all of you—wash and style your hair, do your nails, or treat yourself to a massage.

Maintain perspective
When it feels like the whole world’s staring, make them focus on something else. Put on a wide-brimmed hat, air out that favorite dress you never wear, or just spend a little extra time planning today’s outfit.

Celebrate yourself
Don’t let a cold sore make you lose sight of who you are. Jot down your 5 greatest strengths and 5 things you admire about yourself. The simple act of writing these things down can help you keep your cold sore in perspective.

Try mutual complimenting
Psychologists recommend calling a friend (or loved one) when confidence is low and, for 10 minutes, alternate saying positive things about one another.