Abreva rapid pain relief product

It’s never fun when a cold sore makes an appearance. And while Abreva Cold Sore Cream can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 ½ days when used at the first sign, it won’t help with the burning pain and throbbing sensations that accompany these sores.* When a cold sore is causing you discomfort, find fast-acting relief pain thanks to Cold Sore Rapid Pain Relief from Abreva – a powerful cold sore pain relief treatment that starts to work immediately.**

Abreva Cold Sore Rapid Pain Relief Gel Product Description

While an antiviral cold sore treatment like Abreva Cold Sore Cream can speed up healing, there isn’t much it can do for the throbbing, painful sensation that often accompanies a cold sore.

Thankfully, Abreva Cold Sore Rapid Pain Relief provides targeted pain relief from the first application. This clear gel formula combines glycerin – which hydrates to prevent cracking of the lips, and maximum-strength lidocaine – which uses a rapid numbing effect to target uncomfortable pressure and throbbing.

How Abreva Cold Sore Rapid Pain Relief Works

Dealing with a cold sore is rarely a pleasant experience. You may even feel like all eyes are on you and your lips.

Abreva Rapid Pain Relief works thanks to a combination of lidocaine, a powerful analgesic with a numbing effect and glycerin, which softens the skin on your lips and hydrates to prevent painful cracking. This clear gel formula helps to minimize pain and soothe discomfort so that you can remain focused on your day, not your healing cold sore.

  • *When used at the first sign, median healing is time 4.1 days. 25% of users healed within 2½ days.
  • ** Targeted pain relief from the first application or use. Use as directed.